Biologia Parasitária - IOC

Programa de pós-graduação stricto sensu em biologia parasitária

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The Post-Graduate Program in Parasite Biology is constituted of four fields of study: Biology; Genetics and biochemistry; Ecology and epidemiology; and Immunology and pathogenesis. In this group, are contained in 11 Research lines, which include studies regarding the parasite agents, disease vectors, and hosts.

Research lines in the Area of Concentration of Biology:
- Cellular Biology and Ultrastructure of parasites, vectors and hosts
- Biology of parasites, vectors and hosts

Research lines in the Area of Concentration of Genetics and Biochemistry:
- Biochemical and molecular studies of parasites, vectors and hosts
- Genetics of parasites, vectors and hosts
- Genomics and Proteomics of parasites, vectors and hosts

Research lines in the Area of Concentration of Ecology and Epidemiology:
- Ecology of parasites, vectors and hosts
- Epidemiology of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases and Host
- Taxonomy of parasites, vectors and hosts

Research lines in the Area of Concentration of Immunology and Pathogenesis:
- Development of Methods of Diagnosis and Control of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases
- Immunology and Pathogenesis of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases
- Pathology of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases           

Mandatory credits
Doctorate Graduate program in Parasite Biology of Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (IOC/Fiocruz) requires for completion of the PhD course the minimum number of 32 credits. Twenty credits correspond to the Mastering diploma, i.e., there is a need to obtain 12 additional credits.

For students who do not have a MSc diploma in a Parasitology course, is mandatory to attend the disciplines of Parasitology I and II, offered annually in the first semester. In addition, the doctorate students will present the results of their thesis necessarily in Students Seminar after 24 months of enrollment, i.e., when 50% of PhD thesis duration is accomplished.

Another mandatory activity is the participation of students in lectures presented on “Centro de Estudos”, a weekly scientific event organized by the IOC in order to contribute to a multidisciplinary approach and an interaction of students with the scientific community of the institution. These, added to the 160 credits of the thesis work, should amount to a minimum total of 192 credits.

Each discipline will have a value expressed in credits and each credit corresponds to at least twenty (20) hours of theoretical activities and / or practices.

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